bookmark_borderNationwide Monsanto Protests

UNITED STATES — Protests against Monsanto were held throughout the nation including several locations in the Delaware Valley. Consumers are concerned about their health and wellness of Monsanto. The pesticide Round Up is speculated to be behind the bee colony collapse, as well as, neurological disorders to humans.

The company’s attempt to create a monopoly over seeds through GMO patents was one of the crowds gravest concerns.



bookmark_borderDenver Physician Dr. Jonathan W. Singer

Therapies and Services

A few of the things you’ll find at Denver doctor, Dr. Jonathan Singer’s office – You’re going to be amazed at what we can do for you!

» Non-surgical Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression therapy is the most advanced, gentlest, easiest way to successfully treat and cure over 93% of neck and back pain caused by herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and arthritis of the spine without surgery!

» Bioidentical Hormones

Suzanne Sommers, Oprah Winfrey, Robin McGraw and millions of women all agree, they feel much better when their hormones are carefully balanced. With proper medical care, there are simple and safe solutions to the menopause. Remember all of these changes are simply caused by changes in your hormone levels.The secret to successfully getting through menopause is knowing what’s going on in your body and where you currently are in the whole process.

» Real Neurotransmitter Analysis

Why go on or off prescription medications for anxiety and depression without first doing some testing and measure your neurotransmitter levels like serotonin, norepinephrine, GABA, dopamine and others. Brain and body chemistry is unique to each of us and no two people should use the same treament just because they have similar symptoms – Dr. Singer believes that treatment should be tailored to you as an individual.

» Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and chronic infections

» Sick building, multiple chemical sensitivities and environmental medicine

» Allergies and asthma

» Toxicology and toxic exposures and chelation therapy

» Autologous adult stem cell therapies

» Alternative cancer therapies

» Acupuncture and Chinese medicine

Acupuncture is a complete system of medical care dating back over 3000 years. It entails the stimulation of specific points located near or on the surface of the skin which have the ability to alter various biochemical and physiological conditions in order to achieve the desired effect.

» Homeopathy

» Intravenous Nutritional and Biochemical Analysis and Treatment

» Dermatology, Cosmetic surgery and general skin care

Lose 10 years in 30 minutes! Achieve youthful, tightened and toned skin. Silky smooth and blemish-free all without makeup. You won’t believe your eyes. Using the latest in cosmetic lasers including Cynosure’s Affirm CO2 and Sciton ProFractional XC Erb/YAG, Dr. Singer offers superior results with the highest levels of comfort and safety. A treatment tailored to your needs from back to work same day to a few days of down time.

Real Hope, Real People, Real Solutions!

bookmark_borderAlternative Solutions For Health Problems

Dr. Ronald Dushkin
250 West 49th Street
New York, NY 10019

Holistic Medicine, often called “Alternative or Complementary Medicine,” is an approach to medical care that focuses on treating the whole person – physically, emotionally and spiritually – and it encourages patient participation in one’s own healing process. Many people seek Homeopathy and other Holistic modalities simply because conventional medicine has not been effective for them.

Dr. Dushkin treats people using alternative, natural, and safe Homeopathic remedies. These FDA approved natural medicines are made primarily from plants and minerals, and stimulate a person’s own natural healing mechanisms to create health and balance from within.

Some of the conditions Dr. Dushkin has successfully treated with Homeopathy include:



Member of the Wellness Network

bookmark_borderClimate Change Impacts on Health and Wellness

A study mandated by congress, National Climate Assessment and Development Climate Assessment, highlights the impact on health and wellness.

1. Climate change threatens human health and well-being in many ways, including impacts from increased extreme weather events, wildfire, decreased air quality, diseases transmitted by insects, food and water, and threats to mental health. Some of these health impacts are already underway in the U.S.
2. Climate change will, absent other changes, amplify some of the existing health threats the nation now faces. Certain people and communities are especially vulnerable, including children, the elderly, the sick, the poor, and some communities of color.
3. Public health actions, especially preparedness and prevention, can do much to protect people from some of the impacts of climate change. Early action provides the largest health benefits. As threats increase, our ability to adapt to future changes may be limited.
4. Responding to climate change provides opportunities to improve human health and well-being across many sectors, including energy, agriculture, and transportation.

Greenhouse Gases Threaten Public Health

Tropospheric Ozone Causes Respiratory Disease and Asthma

The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

bookmark_borderWhat is Ayurveda?

“Ayurveda” (the “science of life”) is the most ancient complete system of natural medicine in the world. It was developed in ancient India and refined over the ages. It combines physical, psychological and spiritual therapies in an approach to health that is as relevant to the modern world as it was to the ancient. Utilizing herbs and minerals, proper nutrition and purification and, above all, affirmative ways of living, Ayurveda treats not just the ailment but the whole person and emphasizes prevention of disease to avoid the need for a cure.

One of the principles in Ayurveda is that each person is made up of their own
particular mix of the three fundamental elemental energies, or ‘doshas’. Although we can’t see them, the three doshas are responsible for all processes of the mind and body. They affect our physical makeup and our mental and emotional qualities. These underlying forces determine who we are, what we like to eat, how thirsty we get, how much sleep we need, etc. They influence our reactions to stress and our predisposition to various illnesses. The doshas even affect how compassionate, relaxed, or talkative we are. Knowing a person’s dosha is very valuable in determining which foods, herbs and lifestyle changes will be most beneficial for their healing and overall balance. An example of this is a person who is skinny and runs around extra busy
and worrying about everything. In this person the ‘vata’ dosha is dominant.
Balance can be brought with warm and soothing activities and foods. Gentle yoga and relaxation massage are perfect. For an intense, high pressure, athletic person the ‘pitta’ dosha is dominating. Balance can be brought with cooling and calming activities and foods. This person should avoid things like eating spicy food everyday and going running in the middle of hot summer days.

Different doshas predominate in the different seasons as well. Therefore
it is helpful to have a basic understanding of them so you can self regulate your
diet and lifestyle. For example, in autumn the vata dosha increases. During
these months it is best to reduce foods that increase vata such as raw vegetables, beans, cold foods and foods that are dry and rough like crackers and pretzels, It is more balancing to increase richer foods and warm, cooked foods like soups and casseroles. In spring and summer the reverse is true for the most part.

There also exists within Ayurveda a whole science of longevity. This has
to do with purification, healthy balancing routines and mind and body exercises. Various cleanses are recommended seasonally. Yoga and meditation are important not only for mind and body health, but to connect with your spiritual source as well. These add up to peace, health and life extension.

Principles from ayurveda can be easily incorporated into one’s life to
bring further health and balance. It has been very helpful in treating and
advising my patients for many years.


About the Author: Dr. Martin Orimenko is a Chiropractor, Naturopath and Nutritionist who practices a unique blend of different holistic modalities in treating patients of all ages for a wide range of health conditions. Dr. Orimenko is currently available for treatments at his MainLine natural health center, the Live Well Holistic Health Center in Ardmore, PA Acupressure and Auricular Therapy are just a few of the modalities that he employs to support health and wellness in his natural healing practice. Other modalities include kinesiology, nutrition and cleansing, neuro-emotional technique, ayurveda, and natural supplement prescriptions.