Flu and Vaccinations

Hello All, Bonjour à Tous,

By writing this email, I am trying to make people aware of the possibility of a flu pandemic that could be made much worse by the vaccination which is scheduled to take place all over the world, in schools, clinics, hospitals, etc., starting in just a few weeks. Jane Burgermeister, a scientific journalist living in Vienna, Austria, has done a lot to bring this into the public eye – for this, she has lost her job, as many people seem to have a vested interest in the continuation of this well-planned, massive, world-wide vaccination. For our good? Highly doubtful. Please take a look at her website, and do your own investigations – your lives may depend on getting enough people aware of this possibility, and by refusing to take a vaccine which could actually harm us more than help us. http://theflucase.com/

Et pour mes amis francophones, je vous encourage de vous informer sur les vrais motifs derrière ce vaccin, qui, d’après des papiers officiels du Ministère de la Santé (dont j’ai copie, si vous êtes intéressés), sera administré de force ou de gré, sur la population française d’ici le mois d’octobre ou novembre. Et n’oubliez pas de regarder le site de Jane Burgemeister: http://theflucase.com/ – je pense qu’une traduction pourrait être demandée, ou peut-être parmi vous y aurait-il un traducteur potentiel?…

Restons en bonne santé, pour toujours!

Let’s stay healthy through this all!


Sarah Dickinson Murray, NHC,
founder of Pure Healing Insight, LLC
1708 Lovering Avenue, Suite 201
Wilmington, DE 19806
(302) 507-6548