bookmark_borderGamelan Meditation with Jay Gullo

Gamelan Meditation with Jay Gullo
(live music)

Friday, June 11 at 7:00 pm

Creative Healing Arts
1568 McDaniel Drive
West Chester, PA 19380
(in the Westtown Business Center at Routes 3 and 352)
Please register by contacting us at

$15 a person
(Space is limited so please register early. Thank you!)

Enjoy the profound benefits of this live performance. Jay Gullo, a meditation teacher for over 30 years, will have you experiencing inner peace through the hypnotic sound of the gamelan. Jay’s master of this
truly melodic instrument and his innovative “in the moment” music has a tranquil, healing effect for those who hear it and provides a unique experience for each session.

It’s an honor to have this experienced teacher and
mentor at Creative Healing Arts! Jay is also well
known for his practice as a medium and clairvoyant.

bookmark_borderSpring Drum Circle in West Chester


Spring Drum Circle at Creative Healing Arts

Friday, May 21 at 7:00 led by Jay Gullo


Email or call Jeanie at 610-738-0988 or

It’s time to relax, have fun and be in the
company of those who enjoy a sense of
community and creativity. And, what better
way to do this then to make music!
Jay Gullo, a professional musician, who has
facilitated drum circles for over fifteen years
will lead us in various rhythms throughout the
evening. No experience is necessary

Drum Circles are about participation, not performance.
Those of you who have hand drums, rhythm instruments, etc., please feel free to bring them. There will be drums and percussion instruments available for those who may need them.

Creative Healing Arts
1568 McDaniel Drive
West Chester, PA 19380
(in the Westtown Business Center at Routes 3 and 352)

bookmark_borderMaking Sense of Intuitive Eating

By Heather Rudalavage, Registered Dietician

One of the most challenging pieces of the the intuitive eating approach is that people don’t see how it can work. People don’t trust themselves. They believe they won’t be able to stop eating chocolate or cake or pizza. Maybe it’s because the diet message is so pervasive in our society, or maybe we are just narcissistic in nature, but it continues to astonish me how much my clients rely on external sources to know what, when and how much to eat. Odd because hunger is a physiological response similar to breathing or having to pee. When we visit the restroom, we don’t say, “did I pee too much?” When we take a breath, we don’t say, “it’s not time to breathe yet”. But clients ask me all the time, “how much should I eat?” Or, “I am hungry all the time.”

I just finished reading a wonderful book called, “The Only Diet There Is”, among emphasizing that loving yourself and forgiveness, is the best diet there is, she also addresses the impact of guilt and negativity on our weight. Science may have not been able to prove this exactly, yet, but it seems that our body’s react more strongly to how we feel about the food we eat than the actual content of the food. Astonishing! If we think the food we are eating is “fattening” than our body will treat it as thus.

So, I just can not emphasize enough, the answer lies within. If you drop the dieting mentality and the voices in your head that tell you that a particular food is bad, you will be able to tune in and when you tune in, your body will tell you what, when and where to eat. Sometimes your body may say, chocolate and sometimes it may say a tuna melt, but whatever your body says, listen, because it is the right choice for you at that moment.

Here is the link to a nice article about guilt and intuitive eating : article

bookmark_borderAllergies and A Hidden Cause

By Dr. Martin Orimenko

Here’s an interesting story for you.  This happened a number of years ago, after I had gotten very proficient at curing patients’ allergies, especially to environmental allergens such as dust, pollen and mold, but also including animal dander.  A woman in her 30’s came in to my clinic complaining of serious allergy symptoms related to cats.  What made her so driven to cure this allergy was the fact that her boyfriend owned two cats and he was very attached to them.
I was expecting to put her on a specific cleanse as I did with most of my allergy patients because dietary cleansing is a key component of re-balancing the immune system and altering the allergic response.  But because I treat holistically and always try to discover any and all contributing factors to a patients’ condition, and knowing that ‘anything can cause anything’, I tested for emotional related factors. 
    Sure enough, I uncovered the fact that her allergies were somehow tied in to the emotion of grief. When I questioned her she affirmed that she had recently lost a friend and was in fact experiencing grief.  The emotional clearing technique I utilize, NeuroEmotional Technnique, traces emotional states back to their inception, which for her happened to be an event that occured when she was 8 years old.  Again I questioned her about an experience of grief she may have had around age 8.  After thinking for a moment, her eyes got big, her mouth opened, and with a surprised look she said, “That was how old I was when I watched my kitty get run over by a truck…she was my best friend.”  We did the clearing technique for that trauma and, long story made short, her allergies vanished.  No cleanse, no herbal or other supplements, no change in diet, no acupuncture, and no chiropractic adjustment.      

I always remember that symptoms can be misleading, and because of this, I seek to find and treat the hidden causes!

If you would like to find out more about Dr. Orimenko, please visit
Live Well Holistic Health or call 610-896-1554

bookmark_borderReconnective Healing – Helping people heal themselves

by Sarah Dickinson Murray

Reconnective Healing®, a registered trademark of Dr. Eric Pearl, designates the use of a certain type or frequency of healing energies to help people heal themselves of disease and dysfunction. In his book, “The Reconnection” he explains how he came to be the vector of these energies, which apparently had not yet been present on Earth up until this time. As a chiropractor, he was accustomed to people feeling better after a treatment, but the healings he began to witness were nothing like what he had experienced before, many of them quasi miraculous occurrences never before seen in modern medicine. Scientific experiments have since validated the presence and effects of these energies, and he has understood that his role has changed from healer to teacher. His mission now is to teach as many people as possible how to use these energies, and become activated just by coming into contact with them, through his seminars and by reading his book. He claims that the simple act of reading it will connect you with these energies, which is something that I found to be absolutely true.

After reading the book, I realized that what I was doing with clients on the table had changed. And it wasn’t that I was applying a new idea or technique in my work – not only the quality of the healings changed, but instead of asking my clients what was going on, I would ask them to lie on the table and then would receive information about their state of health directly from their energy field. At the end of the session, I realized from talking with them that 9 times out of 10 I had been correct in assessing their situation, which led me to understand that I was practicing medical intuition.

This was a very exciting discovery, and I knew that it would affect the way I would practice from then on. I quickly signed up for the next Reconnection seminar coming to my area, waiting impatiently for the chance to meet the man in person, hear what he had to say and experience first hand what I had so avidly read about. When the time came, I had no idea that I would be in a room with 400 other people, all as curious as I was to find out more about these incredible healings. As the seminar unfolded, several healings took place, each of which seemed “miraculous”. Not all of them were done by Eric: I spoke with a woman who had been the patient of another seminar attendee during an exercise, and suddenly began to feel her foot move spontaneously. Victim of a car accident 15 years earlier, her ankle had been permanently immobilized with metal pins, making it impossible for her to bend her foot at the ankle. Getting up from the table, she realized that she had regained mobility in a limb that the doctors had told her she would never move again!

That seminar actually left me with more questions than answers, and it literally transformed, once again, the way I was practicing with my clients. I have often been told that being confused after doing inner work is a good thing, because it indicates that your mental framework has been shaken, opening up the inner space to receive the knowledge of being, as opposed to doing something in order to achieve a goal. I certainly was shaken up after the seminar, not because I didn’t believe that such healings could occur, but because I was basically told that I could no longer practice the way I had been, since other healing modalities, such as Reiki and crystal therapy, would be overshadowed by these new healing energies, and no longer have a raison d’etre. Not that I was particularly invested in any specific technique: my work had evolved over the years, and was not the result of any school of thought or practice besides my own. But I still had to question my practice, put it to the test of Reconnective Healing, to see if I could find compatibility and complementarity between what I already knew and what I had just learned.

What I found out was that yes, there is compatibility. There is even complementarity in that everything I have learned for the past 30 years, from Herbalism and Naturopathy to NLP and Family Constellation work, not to mention massage, meditation, shamanism, Ayurvedic medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine, has a place in how I practice natural medicine. I am not a medical doctor, nor do I practice modern Western medicine in any form; the medicine I practice has its roots in almost every traditional native culture on this planet. This medicine is not about making anyone “better”. It is about helping people to find their center, and to come back into harmony with their essence. Once this is done, the physical aspects will follow.

Although I am not in total agreement with everything I heard at the seminar, I would have to say that the results I have observed following it have been impressive. Not everyone has a spectacular healing, and sometimes the results are not really ascertained until much later. But there have been a few instances of total, instantaneous relief of pain, swelling, trembling and other symptoms, and a general sense of well being afterward. Eric says that healing always happens – not necessarily in the way we expect or want it to happen, but it happens nonetheless. The “healer” is just a conduit for the energies; the real healer is the person being healed, because they are using the energies to heal themselves!

Sarah Dickinson Murray is the founder of Pure Healing Insight LLC
Wilmington, DE 19806